Psychedelic ℹ️ntegr8tion

A Short, But Thorough Guide

Presented By:
Grand Schemes

Brought To You By:
🍄Grow With Me🍄
3rd Eye Focused

Psychedelics’ are increasingly becoming popular. The potential benefits for personal development & to mental health are impossible to ignore & therefore, the concept of psychedelic integr8tion is rapidly growing.

Attempting to find Usefulness from one’s psychedelic experience back in relation to this earthly plane of existence is the process of integr8tion

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An “Integr8ted” History

In today’s modern western world the 1950’s saw the rise of research into psychedelics. They were shown to be effective tools for psychotherapy by enhancing patient’s access to positive states & healing.

As psychedelic’s gained popularity during the 1960’s, most were classified as Schedule 1 substances, with a high risk of misuse & no medicinal value. Then, research ceased… Thanks to the efforts of those such as The Racist US President Nixon’s WAR ON Brown People(I MEAN DRUGS)… But I digress…Thats info for another guide!

After psychedelics were illegalized in the 1980’s, scientists began to study newer substances, like 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). The initial findings, too, were positive, but further research ceased when these compounds became more illegalized with The Analogues Act.

Psychedelic studies resumed only recently, for example The Johns Hopkins Psychedelics’ Research Unit is already showing evidence in support of their potential benefits for treating Mood Disorders, End Of Life Anxiety, Treatment Resistant Depression, Migraine’s, Pain Management & So Much More❗️

A psychedelic review published in 2013 found that the use of psychedelics did not cause any psychological problems after long-term use with minimal side effects. Despite anti-drug propaganda, experts agree psychedelics are generally safe. They also seemed to improve mental health in general among those who used them.

Psychedelic trips can sometimes be overwhelming or frightening, but there seem to be no long-term negative effects. Forgotten memories may surface during psychedelic experiences. Some people have difficulty transitioning back into their everyday lives due to these uncomfortable feelings.

Other people may be tempted to make drastic, life-changing decisions without thoughtful consideration. It’s common for some travelers to feel detached following a trip for several days or weeks.

Preparation before & Integr8tion after the experience are therefore essential to balancing psychedelic effects.

Several approaches can be used.

🔵One-On-One Therapy

🔵Psychedelic Coaching

🔵Psychedelic Integr8tion Circles


The advantages & disadvantages of each option are different.

Here is a breakdown.

Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy (PAP)

A combination of psychotherapy & psychedelic use is referred to as PAP. Those interested in PAP should seek out a trained & competent professional. The therapist should be knowledgeable about the usage & consequences of a variety of substances in the past. They should also be compassionate & able to instill trust in others.

Having a trained therapist on hand can assist individuals in working through any emotional issues or trauma that may occur throughout their experience, as well as assure the person’s physical safety.

The cost of PAP is its main disadvantage. Psychedelic retreats & one-on-one counseling sessions can be costly. This fact motivates many people to look for new ways to incorporate their experiences.

Psychedelic Coaching

People who feel they want to focus on general behavior change may benefit from this
one-on-one work

Coaching is similar to PAP in that it is usually done on a one-on-one basis. There are, nevertheless, some major distinctions. Coaching takes place before & after PAP sessions, whereas PAP takes place during the session with the therapist.

Setting goals & integrating a psychedelic experience for long-term, positive transformation can be aided by a coach. They might also help people figure out what’s driving their behavior psychologically & how to change it.

Some coaches focus on specific topics like microdosing or business and leadership abilities. As with choosing a therapist, finding a coach whose speciality corresponds with an individual’s requirements is critical.

It’s also important to know the difference between a coach & a psychedelic guide. During a journey, a guide will provide assistance & should share the experience immediately afterward. A coach, on the other hand, will be significantly more involved in the planning & integration of the ceremony than in the ceremony itself.

Therefor A Psychedelic Integr8tion Coach Can Be Summed Up As:
Someone who guides You through Your integr8tion process to maximizing the
benefit of Your psychedelic experience.

Psychedelic Integr8tion Circles

Integr8tion circles are gatherings where people can talk about their psychedelic experiences & how to incorporate them into their daily lives. They may be led by a licensed therapist or someone with extensive psychedelic experience.

The key benefit of these groups is that they are far less expensive than therapy or coaching. They also allow you to network with like-minded people & engage in intriguing discourse.

Individual treatment, on the other hand, provides a higher level of assistance. Furthermore, group settings do not provide the same level of privacy as one-on-one meetings.

Psychedelic Self Preparation

Therapists, coaches, organizations, & individuals may be able to assist you in preparing for a psychedelic experience. Identifying the things a person wishes to work on, communicating expectations, & creating goals are all part of the process.

Individuals should pay special attention to the trip’s set & setting… However what is so often left out of the discussion is Your “Intention”. Conisder some of the things/issues that could benefit from some focused attention.

The Set refers to “mindset” & cultivating a positive attitude.

The Setting refers to the process of providing a secure, comfortable, & therapeutic atmosphere in which to conduct the trip.

Many believe that proper planning & psychedelic integr8tion are just as crucial as the trip itself. These steps raise the likelihood that a journey will result in long-term & meaningful transformation.

The following are some important characteristics of a successful integr8tion:

🟦Examining visual, physical, or psychological experiences to gain insight from the trip.

🟦Using these lessons to implement positive change.

🟦Coping with the emotional impact of any trauma that arises.

🟦Learning how to live with one’s new understanding of the self or others.

🟦Tracking one’s progress when moving towards goals.

🟦Becoming accountable for making lasting changes.

🟦Setting intentions for future experiences.

🟦Practices such as mindfulness and spirituality

🟦Activities such as meditation, yoga, spending time in nature, journaling, or anything else that promotes positive change in line with the experience.

Psychedelic Integr8tion Final Thoughts

🔷To get the most out of psychedelics respecting them & treating them with care & consideration.

🔷Make sure to do after-trip integr8tion.

🔷Maybe Talk to a Seasoned & Insightful Psychonaut.

🔷It’s probably becoming apparent that integr8tion is an important piece of a healthy & healing experience with psychedelic compounds.

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Additional Resources

Find The ”Other’s” & Learn How To Grow Your Own 🍄’s

Drug Information Resource❗️

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